Get More Score in Criminal Case - Some Simple Ways

The Main advantage to get more score in Criminal Case is the Case will be finished as soon as possible. To More Score in Criminal Case app in face there are some simple ways to get it.

  • Play the game daily because the Criminal Case app give reward as daily bonus
  • Invite more friends for Criminal Case app or make friendship with criminal case app users. All the Facebook game need friends to proceed the stages in the game and for other purposes. In Criminal Case app friends are required for the following purposes.
  1. To get more hints from them. If you and your friend plays daily, both of your hints will be always full so that if you don't use hints in a crime scene you will get 100000 points for every crime you played with him.
  2. To get more energy for playing the game as free gifts.
  3. To Complete the reports after a case is finished.
  4. To get more card cards from them.
If you want to find friends who playing criminal case app see this post
  • Don't do any wrong or unwanted clicks in a crime scene.
  • While you finding the clues in a crime scene, try to to find a item less than 2 seconds after a item is find because the Criminal Case app will give you booster points for finding the items quickly. The Boosters will remain for about 2-3 seconds after a item is correctly selected and it will be increased with successive clicks in finding items. In that time, if you wrongly selects any item then the boosters will be stopped and starts newly. For example, if you find 6 items in successive clicks of having time gap as 2 seconds between each item, you will get "x6" booster points so that your score will get higher.
  • If you are sure that you will find all items quickly then use "x6 Combo Starter" that will give you more scores than the regular click for finding a item.

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