Want to Make your Web Page Loading Faster, It's Simple

People all over the world are using internet from various regions with different speed. People always look for the website which is useful to them,attractive,interesting and the very important one is loading time. Mostly the loading time of a webpage depends on the sever used for your website and browser's internet speed but there is something which make's webpage loading time faster, that is the colors used in your webpage.

The color of the webpage takes place an important role in  loading time of webpage because each color needs to receive a certain amount of data to load the page in browser window, so if you built your webpage with colors which requires less amount of data will make your webpage loading faster. The best example's are Google and Facebook. Google and Facebook uses mostly the white color in their pages as much as possible. The usage of white color in their page make them to load faster compared to any other search engines or social networks.

Google's Homepage

If you are using images in your webpage reduce the memory size of the image without losing its quality as much as possible, otherwise it takes more time and data to load even after all other component of the webpage are loaded.

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