Website Beginner Should Know Two Things

There are lots of websites which gives proper guidance for Creating a website but before that two thing needs to be known by a beginner how it is going to work. To Create a Website these two are very important that is the Domain and Web hosting.

Domain is simply known as the web address of the website. This is domain can be easily buy through any domain registration sites. The price of the domain  mainly depends on .com, .org, etc., mostly the .com websites are costly compared to other. Even if you buy any domain that will be owned by you only for certain period depends on tariff available. If you have different domain name it will be easily available or else you have to choose a different domain name.

Web hosting is not known by most of the people who would like to create a website. Even if you have a domain, Web hosting is required to place your website in a server. This Web hosting is also available in various sites along with web builders but the cost of the web hosting is comparatively high and mostly it is available in monthly or yearly rental basis. Various tariffs will be available according to Bandwidth limit, Memory space, Number of emails required and other features. Some of the website will give free web hosting with certain limitations such as low memory space, very low bandwidth, less number of pages , posting and only sub domains are given with their name. Web hosting will price minimum 4$ for a month. If you are a person who is really think that money is not a matter then creating the website through sites given below are easier.

Websites which offers domains and Web hosting are

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